Friday, March 28, 2014

The Desert Wine Guy - How To Read A Wine Label

   For wine lovers who may be just beginning to discover wine and maybe even for those of you who are casual wine drinkers but find the label on a bottle of American wine confusing or intimidating here is a short article on just what you are seeing on a wine label. Lets go ahead and look at the label I have included. Lets start off with the first item on the label we are going to look at which is....

1 - The 2001 in this case is the year that the grapes for the wine were picked.

2 - This would be the name of the Winery at or the brand name. It is not always where the grapes
     were grown.
3 - For line number 3 this is where the grapes came. If the “American Viticultu
ral Area” such as Napa
     is on the label that means that at least 85% of the grapes for that wine HAD to come from that
     region. If there is a county stated there than at least 75% of the grapes for that wine had to come
     from that county. If there is simply a state located in this spot then 100% of the grapes had to
     come from California.

4 - At times you will see the actual name of a specific Vineyard on the label. That simply indicates
     that 95% of the grapes for the wine came from that actual Vineyard.

5 - If you see “produced and bottled by” on the label than you know that the person who produced
     the wine is also the same person who bottled the wine. If you see “Estate Bottled” that means that
     the wine is made from grapes that come from the producers Vineyard.

6 - Here is where you will see the wine making information such as whether the wine was “barrel
     fermented”, “sur lie” or “oak aged” tell you more about the style or flavor of that particular wine.

7 - The actual location of the bottler is listed here.

8 - Here is where the volume of Alcohol is located.

9 - This line has the information on the volume of the contents. A standard wine bottle has a volume
     of 750 ml which is equal to five glasses of wine.

I hope this article assists you in your search for that perfect bottle of wine.

                                                                                                                   The Desert Wine Guy

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