Friday, August 21, 2020

Let's Talk About Wine Folly


   As someone who writes about and reviews wine, there are times when I myself need to do some research online as believe it or not, I do not know everything when it comes to wine. There is one particular website that seems to have become my "go to" wine site in order to find a lot of information from including some amazingly wonderful graphics & charts.
Madeline Puckett
Today I want to talk a bit about that website as I do believe that if you want to educate yourself on the topic of wine, they are worth taking the time to learn about. The site I am talking about is named Wine folly ( Anyone who uses the internet to do some learning about wine has come across this site as they are pretty popular and for good reason. Let's go ahead now and dig a little deeper into this website.
   Wine Folly was started in October of 2011 to very simply, educate people on wine. The company was founded by three friends, Madeline Puckett, Justin Hammack & Chad Wasser. In case your are wondering, Madeline is the CEO of the company and the one responsible for all those great graphics & maps that really teach and elevate the site from just an ordinary wine site into a powerhouse of wine learning, she is also a certified sommelier. Chad is the guy behind the scenes as he is the cameraman.  As for Justin, he is the web developer & Director of Marketing (among other things) for Wine Folly. Wine Folly is located in Woodinville, Washington and is estimated at having around 70 employees while making around $41.5 million dollars a year. Recently, Wine Folly has ventured into a new project named Global Wine Database ( which is basically a PR company and also a way for wineries to promote themselves better.

   Why am I writing an article on Wine Folly? For the past year or so, I have been meaning to write this articular actually and I finally scratched myself out to do it as it is well deserved and they are certainly due my appreciation for having occasionally "borrowed" some of their graphics for my articles. Time after time, I find myself going to their website to gain information on a geographic location or on a lesser known grape varietal that might be in a wine blend that I am reviewing. Lately I have discovered that Wine Folly even has a YouTube channel ( where Madeline will occasionally taste wines and discuss various wine topics in general. I love her bubbly personality and how she really enjoys what she does and I think you will as well. I think when you watch her videos you will leave with a new appreciation of wine, definitely a lot more wine knowledge then you had prior to visiting her channel and perhaps a little happier as well. Madeline also has a knack for explaining things in a simple and down to Earth way. If she uses a word that she feels someone might not understand, she immediately explains what it means and why it is important.
   While doing some research for this article, I have noticed that it seems as if people love to attack Mrs. Puckett rather than Wine Folly itself, almost like they have something personal against her.
Wine Folly - The Master Guide
These comments range from attacking Madeline herself all the way to the information she puts out. Madeline has been in the wine business for a good amount of time and doesn't seem to play into wine snobbery and I think this deeply offends those who do as they believe that the wine world should remain a mystery where as Madeline (and yours truly) clearly does not. These criticisms make me wonder how many people have bad things to say about me. Keep in mind that wine is pretty subjective folks, A writer for Wine Folly, or any other wine project might like one particular wine but you might not and that is fine and normal. What I suggest is that you find a wine site such as this wine blog and or Wine Folly where their wine tastes are more suited to your liking, this way you will feel comfortable with their future wine recommendations. As I finish this little review off, I highly recommend that you check out the Wine Folly site and subscribe to their YouTube channel.
                                                                                                                                   The Desert Wine Guy

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