Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Desert WIne Guy - 2016 Joseph Carr Cabernet Sauvignon - Rutherford, Napa Valley

  Hello everyone and welcome once again to The Desert Wine Guy wine blog. Today I will be reviewing the 2016 Joseph Carr, Cabernet Sauvignon - Rutherford, Napa Valley. Before I begin with this review however, there is a small story I would like to tell concerning how I came to be in possession of this wine and one which started off due to an unfortunate incident. On November 27th I attempted to do a review of the 2015 Joseph Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon ( but unfortunetly when I went to remove the Cork I discovered that the end of it looked as if it were cut or was starting to separate almost as if the cork were created in layers. I decided to review the wine anyway hoping that it wasn't ruined or that any particles had made their way into the wine itself. Taking the wine to my Loft to begin the review and as I poured the first glass I noticed small particles of the Cork were indeed clearly visible. Fortunately there was not too much and they thankfully were not present in the second pour. I was rather disappointed to be honest yet completed the review but afterward decided that it indeed bothered me enough to where I had to E-mail the winery. I sent the E-Mail along with photos of the Cork and particles in my glass to Mrs. Karen Brennan on November 27th. Mrs. Brennan is in charge of media inquiries at Deutsch Family Wine & Spirits which is a Wine & Spirits importer and distributes both the Joseph Carr line of wines as well as the Josh Cellars line as well. On December 5th Mrs. Brennan responded back with a heartfelt apology and an offer to replace the wine with two other bottles as well as an invitation to pick what I wished from their Website. On December 13th I received the wines but due to work had to wait until the 15th in order to perform this review. As I opened the box I noticed that there were two bottles of the 2016 Joseph Carr Cabernet Sauvignon - Rutherford, Napa Valley as well as two bottles of the 2016 Joseph Carr Napa Valley, thank you again Karen. Well, now it is review time so let's get to it.
Joseph carr

   Let me fiirst discuss a little bit about this wine. The wine was aged in 100% French oak, 60% new, for 18 months and all of the grapes for this wine are sourced from the Rutherford AVA of the Napa Valley. From what I have researched, the wine appears to be 100% Cabernet Sauvignon as well. The Alcohol level in this wine is rather high as it is at 15.9% and the wine sells for around $40. One last note concerning the Alcohol percentage. I did pick up a bit of Alcohol when I initially tasted the wine but it wasn't something that I found distasteful and it seemed to disappear for good after a short time of the bottle being opened.
   Let's move on to the label of the wine as I must tell you that I was rather impressed with it. Here once again is another wine (or bottle) worthy of mention as far as the labels appearance goes. I remember removing these bottles from the shipping carton and thinking "wow, these look super sharp". I'm now in my Loft and am still thinking the exact same thing, wow, this bottle looks visually very impressive. The label certainly strikes me as classy, serious and appears to at least try to convince the consumer (in this case me) that it holds a prestigious, well crafted and expressive wine. Here is also a wine label where I must point out to you the Fonts used and their placement. I have to also point out to you as well the placement of the words themselves on the label, all in all the total package is striking and a class act. Let's see now how this wine itself shapes up in the visual presentation department now.
   Super Cab! What does that mean there Desert Wine Guy? What that means is that after having looked at the wine in my glass it sure is coming across as if it also takes itself VERY seriously and is asking.... no, demanding that you to take it VERY seriously as well. What does very seriously look like? A deep Garnet liquid is what I see staring back up at me from within the glass. You can forget about the bottom of the glass as it might as well no longer exist because you certainly can't see it. This is perhaps the darkest red wine that I have both observed and reviewed in quite some time. Totally consistent in it's striking color from the edge to the center, this wine is continuing the pattern of what I am calling a "Super Cab". As far as the legs (Gibbs-Marangoni Effect) while they are not thick they are numerous and they just line up on the sides of my glass. I have to tell you guys that I have never seen this type of wonderful overall complete visual presentation in a wine before. I must move on now to the actual tasting of this wine because I must know if this wine can continue its impressive presentation unto the Palate. I certainly hope it can.
  Well we are here Cabernet Sauvignon fans and I don't know about you but I am just dying to know how this wine tastes. The first item of interest that I want to tell you is the fact that the wine is indeed incredibly juicy and at the same time, has an awesome, (thankfully) non fruit forward, non sweet........plushness to it. This is not the new age expression of the Cabernet Sauvignon varietal, this wine is Old School all the way. Next up I must tell you of the note of SUPER lush Blackcurrant, wow! Up front and prominent yet certainly not in any way overpowering. This Blackcurrant seems to be almost the backbone of this wine and everything else manages to so wonderfullyand  nicely ride on it that is certainly totally fine with me. The Blackcurrant presents an earthiness here as well which is unmistakable luxurious. Now we should discuss the note of Blackberry. This is not the same Blackberry note which we have all experienced in red wines which brings along tons of sweetness and tries to overpower or dominate everything in its path, no way.
This Blackberry note is presenting itself to the utmost level of superior flavor and unsweet ripeness. The note also works together with the other notes which this wine exhibits. Now, keep in mind that this is most assuredly because the Blackberry knows it's rightful place among the other notes. When you taste this wine (and you MUST) you will know right away what I am talking about and why this note is also so very important to the overall greatness of the wine. The Blackberry note coats the Palate and doesn't leave it, it is as if the note latches onto that fabulous Blackcurrant and just doesn't let go. I think that another ultra strong plus for this wine is that this wine exhibits an incredible note of  that “Rutherford Dust” that many so called soil experts claim does not exist. Let me tell you guys something, if you have ever tasted a wine made from red grapes grown in the Rutherford AVA (especially this one), you already know without me having to tell you that it does indeed exist and this wine is proof. Moving on now I want to talk about the Tobacco note that appears almost immediately on the Palate and amazingly continues through till the Finish. This note just presents a feeling on the overall Palate of longevity and just incredible mouth feel as well as a Palate  fullness as well. As with all the other notes there is no slacking off of this note as it carries itself throughout the wine. Want to know some more? I will tell you that there is the most incredible note of Smoke that I have ever tasted. Yes, you read that correctly.
The note is right up there with the other amazing notes and as with those others it is not anywhere near being overdone or dominating.  Do you wish to talk about a balanced Finish? Readers, I really can't say enough about the Finish on this wine just massive and bursting with flavor. There is no fall off or notes that disapoint. Around Mid-Palate the wine exposes an underbelly of Tannins that present again a plushness of sorts with a wonderful overall Tongue/Palate sensation. I don't believe that I have ever used the word "plushness" to describe a wine prior to this review but it is truly an appropriate time to use it as it. Continuing along here is a note of some Leather. Here is a note which is again not overdone but brings a strong sort or "sense" rather then a taste to the wine although please don't get me wrong here as there is certainly a bit on the taste end as well. This leather note is simply at a perfect presentation level and I think you will appreciate it. Go ahead, ask me if there is any Acidity. Thanks for asking as there is and it appears on the front end and lingers until Mid-Palate or perhaps just slightly after. the Acidity is what I would consider to be "firm" yet it is not harsh. There are no notes in this wine that I would not consider to be either at or near to being a top tier presentation in my opinion. Now, do ya love a Clove note in your Cabs? I hope so as it is on the opening of this wine and is one of many notes which aid in carrying the Palate all the way through to the Finish.
So the wine soaks in 100% French oak, 60% new, for 18 months huh? Does this make any impact on the wine? Folks, you betcha it does, a big one. French Oak presentation is super smooth on one hand yet super flavourful on the other, the French Oak is presented well and is able to intermingle to assist in the creation of a delicious level. Here once again is another note that presents itself on the opening and continues strong all the way to the Finish.
  So, I think I have talked enough here and so it is time to wrap this review up. This wine was a delight to drink. Whether you are sitting around by the fireplace this Winter or enjoying a special occasion, this wine demonstrates why the Cabernet Sauvignon when done correctly is indeed the King of red grapes. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw this wine was selling at the winery for only $40 and I have to say that it is worth every penny. On The Desert Wine Guy Rating Scale I give this wine 95 points. An incredible, truly delicious and enjoyable wine.
   Before I go I must comment on one last item. Yes, as I said earlier I did receive this wine for free but remember that I do not depend on this blog for a Penny so what I am telling you is indeed my real feelings no matter who makes a wine or how I get the wine. By the way, excellent Customer Service as well.

The Desert Wine Guy

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