Before we go on with the actual review I feel that I again must comment on the label. I sitting in front of my computer and am looking at my notes here and it brings me back to seeing the bottle itself. The label brought to mind the thoughts of a very unprofessional wine with childish art work. I thought the label was unclassy. This seems to be a new trend in today's wine world and I for one do not like it. When I see a silly label on a wine or a wine with a silly name I usually avoid it. How I can to but this wine I will explain a little bit later on. Having harped on the subject long enough I'll leave you with this question. How many of you readers agree with me.
Today you are going to read about a wine that I think is fantastic. It is truly amazing how many small label wines there out there that for whatever reason don't make a name for themselves and yet are every bit as good if not better that some of the big label wines that we have are all familiar with. This is one of those wines folks. Sit back and relax and enjoy this review and that if you can find the wine go out and buy a few bottles for yourself. The 2012 Dynamite Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon is a blend of both Cabernet Sauvignon as well as Cabernet Franc and what a blend they make here together in this wine. O.K let's start off with the Bouquet of this wine. This wine was weird on the nose because although there was a lot of notes on the nose but none of them were that you would call strong or overpowering. There most certainly was Leather and wood along with a Green Pepper spice and Cedar. I really enjoyed it but wished it had been stronger on the nose. In my glass the wine showed a medium to dark Inky Red and I was really impressed by it's appearance in my glass. Now onto how this wine displayed itself on my Palette. This section is going to be a little weird because upon initially tasting this wine I sensed that I needed to leave it alone for a while. I sensed that this wine needed badly to be given a chance to open up .....a lot. My initial impression upon tasting this wine was that there was a note of overpowering Black Cherry a slight bitterness and strong hints of Alcohol. Now normally I would end the review right there and perhaps not even mention that I did a review on it because it simply wouldn't be worth it but as I said, something told me to give the wine some time to develop. I occupied my time by reading a wine magazine and from time to time I would take a sip and after about a half an hour to forty five minutes I started to notice that the wine was starting to evolve in a big way, it was beginning to develop some nice notes. What would another little while do for it I wondered. I really didn't expect much because in order for this wine to even be decent it would need a lot of development and I didn't think it was possible. Well I waited a total of two hours and while I didn't Decant the wine I simply left it in the bottle I experienced the wine begin to express itself and the development of it and I was finally ready to do my review. Here is what I found. The Bitterness was gone from the wine and actually replaced by quite a bit of Tannins in it's place. There were notes of Pomegranate and Cassis there was also still that big Black Cherry but it was not offensive at this point as it had toned down just enough and remained at the level that it allowed the wine to be what it was designed to be. This wine had developed into a very nicely structured wine. The finish left you with all the stated notes intact with none taking precedence or dominance over the other. An added bonus came when a nice Caramel note was also appeared. This wine is very aggressive in the fact that all it's notes are straight forward with no hiding or underlying notes anywhere as some wines tend do. With all it's in your face power it is not over the top (close though) and brash yet classy and in a sense elegant. This is not what I would consider a fruit forward wine although there is some some nice fruit her that you will enjoy but not to the extent of being able to call it fruit forward. Slight acidity is present and seems to connect well with the Blackberry and Caramel that were mentioned. Did I mention the Dark Chocolate that is present as well? Oh yeah, there is a wonderful Dark Chocolate note that shows up a little later and meshes nicely with the other dark fruit. While drinking this wine I was able to imagine myself in a very expensive restaurant ordering a very expensive bottle of wine, this wine. Poise, elegance, stuck up and nicely developed this wine can last many more years since the Tannins are very bold and aggressive. There is also just the right amount of acidity to help set this wine off nicely.

Let's go ahead and put the finishing touches on this wine. Originally this wine was going to find it's way down the drain very quickly. I didn't think that a wine could change that dramatically but this wine did just that. Guys, this wine changed that much. I wish the Vineyard would ditch that label however, this wine deserves a lot more than the weird label that was placed on it. I never would have bought this wine if not for one of my children picking it out because of the child like label. Yes that's right one of my 5 year old liked the label, she thought it was "pretty". This is not a "Yuppie" wine or a wine for someone who has a preference for a light or a soft Red. The wine is definitely big and bold and meant for a true lover of a meaty, dramatic wine. This wine exceeded all my expectations of a wonderful Cabernet Sauvignon. The structure here is almost unmatched and came very near to the 2011 Annabella Cabernet Sauvignon (http://desertwineguy.blogspot.com/2015/10/the-desert-wine-guy-2011-annabella.html) that I reviewed in October of 2015. The wonderful Caramel note and the Tannins present were great. This is a wine meant for a nice Dinner and for some spicy ribs and a hefty steak., it is meant for a spicy meat dominated Dinner. Don't waste this on Chicken or Hot Dogs please, you will be sorry you did. So how much did this wine change over time? The wine changed so much over time that Ion The Desert Wine Guy Rating Scale I put it at a superb 93 points.
The Desert Wine Guy
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