Today I have one of the distinct displeasure's of very briefly talking about a wine that barely manages to stay on The Desert Wine Guys Point Scale. Here now is that quick review of one of the worst wines I have ever had the displeasure of drinking. The wine that I am talking about and that holds the distinction is the 2014 Gaucho Andino Malbec and it truly worked hard to be where it is which is at the bottom. As I have already said I am going to keep this short and sweet because the wine is not worth any more of my time than the few minutes it took to write this short review.
The Gaucho Malbec is a very light, see thru Red in color wine. It almost looked as if someone poured a couple of glasses of water into the bottle before it was Corked. On the nose is a barely detectable Bing Cherry that acts as if it was there at one time but decided to leave to be in a real wine. There was a crazy smokey flavor that was very out of place here in the wine and that tasted almost bitter. There was some lite (again almost undetectable) Black Cherry and small hints of Cassis. There was also Black Berry and Plum but all notes of each were hardly able to be picked out. The wine was as watery as its appearance in the glass which was awful in appearance. With so many different flavors you might be fooled into thinking that the wine was pretty good. The problem as I said was that all the different flavors were barely at a level that you could even taste them.
To sum this up, do not waste your your time or your money no matter how inexpensive ($5) the wine is. I was only able to take a few sips before I had to spill the whole bottle out down the drain.
On The Desert Wine Guy Rating Scale I give it 50 points which means not drinkable.
The Desert Wine Guy
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