Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Desert Wine Guy - 2010 Stags Leap Napa Valley Merlot


                                                               Let me start off this review with a simple question. What power does a name of a company or product have in influencing whether or not you buy or not buy something? What I am getting at is can a name alone influence you or make you buy a particular product that you are in the market for?  I will give you my answer and then at the end I will ask you these questions again. I will give you my answer right now and that answer is......sometimes. When I see a big name product I normally do expect (expectations) that product to be better than the generic one. This doesn't always hold true but generally it does. Now I know what your saying, come on Desert Wine Guy what are you getting at already. I ask this question because a name is what I used to pick our review wine. I was in the store and I was scanning the Merlot section and a name caught my eye and I bought the wine solely on the belief that I was getting a quality wine. I know what your saying, I can hear you guys now saying "OK Desert Wine Guy we are listening, go on" Well I went for a name and I put out $40 for our review wine and was expecting a really good wine to drink. Did I get a really good wine? To find that answer you will have to read on because today we will be reviewing the 2010 Stags leap Napa valley Merlot ( To start off this review lets look at the pour of our wine.
   Let give you one bit of advice before you taste this wine and before I get into the review. This wine should, no MUST be decanted for at least three hours before you even think of siting down to enjoy it. If you attempt to drink this wine without Decanting and waiting you will find that the wine will come across overpowering with Cassis and pepper, you will of course not enjoy it. When not decanted the wine will be unapproachable to say the least. Now for the low down on the 2010 Stags Leap Napa Merlot.

  Starting off with the review we will open with the pour. This wine poured a beautiful Dark Black Cherry mixed with Ruby Red overtones. I want to ask you folks if have ever noticed that some wines seem to almost speak or whisper of a promise in your ear of of elegance and splendor. Simply by the color of the wine itself there is an unmistakable communication from the wine to you, the drinker. This dear readers happens to be one of those wines. This wine had an exciting, enticing, outstanding almost seductive color in the pour which  assisted in the elevation of my hopes for this wine.
   The Bouquet also had a beautiful bouquet and near perfect levels of Currant and of Clove Spice. Topping it off there was the bouquet of Black Cherry with a Carmel on the nose. You are saying "WOW" and so did I.
   In the mouth this wine laid out an almost masterpiece of Bold Black Pepper followed up by Cassis and Currant. This wine was looking very nice indeed and coated my mouth with a taste of spice and Dark Cherry. The wine finished with a slightly bitter taste at first however that disappeared as the wine opened further. The development of the wine also revealed a nice level of Caramel to share with the drinker. Now, just when you think the wine has given all it has to give and is done there is also a hidden flavor that waited almost till what you would normally think is the end just before you swallow and then out of nowhere, unexpectedly there is this incredible hint of Black Cherry. I remember sitting in my chair and thinking that I had finished with the first sip when out of left field, just before I swallowed there comes an unbelievable Black Cherry which adds a sudden lightening up of the taste to the wine. Have no worries though this "lightening up of the taste" of the wine is not by much and just barely enough to notice but it is indeed present and it is most certainly enjoyable. The point at which the Black Cherry decides to come thru is perfect in it's timing and kind of unusual at a point in my experience for a flavor to pop up. When you drink this wine, and you will, you will see what I mean. It comes at the point when you are just ready to swallow the wine. This Black Cherry also actually made me smile because it caught me off guard. Like everything else in the wine the Tannins were at perfect levels and combined together for a wonderfully and enjoyable wine.
    Looking at the description on the Stags Leap website ( you will see in the description "....everything a Merlot should be and more". I must say that they are right on here. This Merlot edges, I think quite a bit actually toward a Cabernet Sauvignon. A word to the wise here. If your preference is a normal Merlot and do not care for a more full bodied wine such as a Cabernet Sauvignon then I recommend that you stay away from this Merlot. This is indeed the epitome of a "bold red". Should you decide however to venture out and explore the bolder side of wine than you have found the perfect wine here.
   Well that is it folks. Have you come up with your answer to my questions yet? What power does a name of a product have to influence you to buy something or not buy something? You already have my answer and I would be curious as to what your is. Companies spend a lot of money maintaining their name or logo and people recognize or identify with certain names and logos instantly. How many company jingles do you know? How many company symbols do you know? How about the Pillsbury dough Boy or The Price Line Negotiator? How about The Desert Wine Guy? Identity for anyone or anything is important. If you would like to know a little more about this subject here ( is an interesting article for you. While you are reading the article pop the Cork on the 2010 Stags Leap Napa Valley Merlot and enjoy an awesome wine.

                                                                                                                 The Desert Wine Guy   

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