Sunday, June 8, 2014

The Desert WIne Guy - 2010 Charleston Peak Barrel Reserve - Petite Sirah

Yours Truly at in the Display Room of Pahrump Vineyards.
   Good afternoon wine lovers. Here we are again for another review. Here we are today once again for what is also going to be another very short wine review. Two wines in a row where the wines being reviewed are less than worthy of wasting your time drinking. Today's review is on the 2010 Charleston (Mount Charleston here in Las Vegas) Barrel Reserve Petite Sirah. there is not much available as far as the origins of the wine other then the grapes seem to have come from Amador County, C.A. The Brix (sugar level ) at harvest time were 24.0.
Corking Machine.
   The Pahrump Winery is located in Pahrump Nevada which is about an hour north of Las Vegas. The Pahrump Winery is a nice place to visit and is set up as a professional winery you would see in Napa or Temecula California, it is worth the visit if you want a break from the desert or gambling. When I was there I met Gretchen Loken who is the wine maker and wife of Bill Loken who together both own the Pahrump Winery. The small tour they offer with one of their employees in the actual Vineyard was followed by a tour of the barrel room by Gretchen where the corking machine and the crusher as well as the wood barrels and stainless Steel casks are kept. Gretchen was very informative and her great personality kept things light hearted and interesting. On now to our review which will be straight to the point.
   The wine poured into the glass a medium Plum in color but was much lighter, almost a Bing Cherry around the edges. The wine was clear of any cork or sediment.
   The Bouquet of this wine was of chemicals (paint) mixed with Molasses and Blueberry.
   Now for the actual tasting. I will keep this very simple and to the point. There was heavy Molasses and other sugars that completely overpowered anything else in the wine, if there was anything else in the wine to taste. There was nothing else to say about the wine. The wine tasted more like a fortified wine that you would buy in a convenience store next to a cheap wine  such as Thunder Bird. The wine was much sweeter that a wine cooler. To describe the taste even more, the wine tastes like an overly sugary Madeira, a fortified dessert wine, a sipping wine.
2010 Charleston Peak Petite Sirah
O.k Lets end this  review now. I think this wine is terrible and we have wasted enough of our time here. I drank a half of a glass and I was done. That is saying something for me to dump out a whole bottle of wine. I have done tastings on a few wines that have been less that worthy of drinking and have never been unable to finish the bottle. Sickeningly sweet juice is what I would call this. I felt that if I drank any more of the bottle I would have a splitting headache the next day from the overpowering sugar. Well folks that's it. There is nothing left to write about this tasting, until next time. Thanks for reading this article.

                                                          DISTURBING UPDATE!!!

   A very disturbing thing happened while I was in the middle of writing this article. I wrote about half this article and I decided to break away for a couple of minutes to clear my head and do a short review on the Pahrump Winery's website for that particular wine. I gave just the basics that are in this article about the overpowering sweetness etc. When I went back just before publishing time to see if  anyone had responded I discovered that my review was gone. BAD, BAD, BAD decision folks. With a Facebook following of almost 2,000 fans, a wine blog that gets a large amount of traffic daily as well  as a brand new Twitter account I don't believe that was a smart marketing or business decision but I will let you readers decide for yourselves. I will simply leave my readers with one question. If they took off my bad review of one of their wines, how many other bad reviews have been removed?

                                                                                                                 The Desert Wine Guy

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