The other day I was watching a YouTube video where a wine reviewer was reviewing Aldis Italian wines. In his determination, most of those wines were simply terrible. He kept finding the wines were very "industrial" tasting or, chemically tasting. While I myself have never tasted the wines he was reviewing, I have tasted more than a few Aldis wines and honestly, with the exception of a few of the William Wright series wines which I found to be pretty nice, I have not been too impressed. Having said this you'd think I would have learned my lesson but no, I keep coming back for more punishment. While I do love me some Aldis in general, in all reality I should be going other places for wine. By the way, stay far away from their Winking Owl series ($3.99) unless you simply do not know what wine is supposed to taste like or, your guests just think its cool to walk around with a wine glass in their hands so they can look hip or want to act like they are at the newest filming location of the T.V series Housewives of Degenerate Hills. Keep in mind as well that America has a crazy love affair with sugar and if you add some fruity tasting chemicals into the mix you are sure to have a hit. Now, can you guess where today's wine that is being reviewed was bought? If you guessed Aldis, you guessed correctly. I will see you in the next paragraph.
Today I will be taking a look at the 2022 Bear Bros, Sauvignon Blanc
which is simply from California. The fact that the label on the bottle
only designates a state rather than a region within that state can be a
potential warning sign as to the quality of the wine. This also means that the grapes could come from anywhere
within that state. Normally a better wine will narrow down the specific
area the grapes are from. The wine cost me $7.99 and its alcohol content
comes in at 13%. Unfortunately the only other tech note that I can tell you is that the bottle is screw cap sealed as there is no other information available on line
about the wine.
Let's begin where I normally begin and that is by talking about the label on the wine bottle. Considering this is a white wine, I kind of like the label. For whatever reason, I am much more easily satisfied when I see a label on a white wine that isn't really all that flashy. I am not really sure exactly why I feel this way but perhaps it is because I believe whites generally are for less formal occasions, I don''t know. Anyway, I like the name (Bear) of the wine being as big as it is and the "Bros" being of a smaller font, I think combined, they look good together. The varietal is front and center as is the general location of the origin of the grapes.
On the nose I am picking up a light yet fairly fresh smelling note of lemongrass which is presented in a sort of subtle way yet at the same time, a pretty nice sort of way as well. I am also getting a very light, hint of a fresh green melon. Overall the nose of this wine is very light but has the feel of freshness and is inviting.
As for the palate, the wines acidity is on the higher side and this I like as this is after all a Sauvignon Blanc and I think is appropriate. The wine is pretty lively and as expected, I am of course picking up some lemongrass here on the palate. This lemongrass is at a level that let's you identify the varietal of wine you are drinking but without going crazy like the New Zealand style of this varietal wine can be considered most of the time. A Lemongrass note in this varietal in my humble opinion can either draw in a drinker or repulse one depending on just how forward it is. Here, in my opinion, I am drawn in even though I must admit I do enjoy the New Zealand expression as well. There is also the smallest bit of a green melon note as well that I picked up on the nose. While this green melon is certainly on the lighter side it persists throughout the entire tasting experience. This note also seems to know its place and is able to thankfully stick to it. Now, there is a strange bit of a slightly bitter note here that I tasted and it shows up on the finish but I found it to be just a bit bothersome and nothing crazy however is an ever so small reason in the end to effect the wines final score. I am picking up an ultralight spice note here as well and while I can't determine the type of spice, it is presented evenly and on the way lighter side. I am really enjoying this spice as it meshes nicely with the wines acidity.On the sides of the palate there is an ever so slight tang but it is
really ever so slight guys and again I have to say, is a note that I enjoyed. Ever so slight or not, that tang works for
the wine rather than against it. Guys, so as I sit here and enjoy this wine, I am trying to figure out just how the company can create a quality, well thought out wine at this price. Nothing in this wine is over the top. Nothing here is chemically (industrial) tasting. The wine is actually pretty decent. As a last note, the wine is also consistent in its push to be nice, there is no fade to the palate and nothing that really shows the grapes were just generically grown in California. The first sip of this wine comes across as the last sip of the wine. Well folks, I do believe I have said enough here, I will see you in the next paragraph.
For $8 this wine is an absolute steal. Go out and buy 6 bottles in preparation for the first pool party of the year. In the end I have to tell you guys that I was really surprised by this wine. Having been disappointed in general with the wines from Aldis, this wine kind of reinvigorated me on the stores wine selection. Alright guys, bottom line here. This is a Sauvignon Blanc that will satisfy everyone. Having said this, I have to give two separate ratings. One rating is a pool rating which is put at 95 points. The other rating is a quality rating and here is where I have to really sit back and think a bit. If I blind tasted this wine, what would I think about it? Keeping it real as I always do, the wine is lacking just a bit of depth, some nuance but as I said, this is not a bad wine folks, let's get that straight. Is this as good as a Whitehaven, Sauvignon Blanc? No, it's certainly not but its also not $15 either. On The Desert Wine Guys rating scale, I am giving this wine 91 points. I myself will be buying a few bottles of this wine and keeping it on hand for the first pool party of the year and since I live in beautiful "Freedom" Florida, and, since it is 82 degrees today (Feb 12), that won't be too long from now.
The Desert Wine Guy