Saturday, December 17, 2022

The Desert Wine Guy - 2021 Kungfu Girl, Riesling

2021 Kungfu Girl, Riesling
   What is a wine reviewer? I guess that's a strange topic to be opening up a wine review with especially since I am a wine reviewer huh? Really though guys, I ask you, what is a wine reviewer? I am going to tell you my opinion of what a wine reviewer is and it is a pretty basic definition actually and one which you probably already know. A wine reviewer tastes wine and lets you know what they are smelling and what they are tasting. While this may seem very easy (hint, it is) there are some wine reviewers who like to create a mystique about what they do, a sense of awe. It's as if they are saying, "you can't do what I am doing", I am special. While there is a sort of mystique to the job of a wine, it is all in reality, a facade. While it does takes some research and some experience in the form of developing a well rounded palate and nose, once you have these things (or at least a lot of these things) down, you simply expound on them, format your opinion and present that opinion in either written, audible or video form. As an example, let's say you taste a note of  "Shale" in a wine sample. Have you ever placed Shale into your mouth? Well neither have I but at the same time I still need to convey that note to you, the reader anyway. For the most part, we go by smell in order to relate what we taste so how do I do that? I think that so much of what we learn as people comes from experience and when someone tastes a "weird" note in a wine, while they may not identify it immediately, when it comes to the next wine, if they taste that same "weird" note in a wine and they read a review of that wine, they begin to put two and two together and now they can identify that note of shale for themselves in a wine. Okay guys, I hope you have had your eyes opened just a little bit to the world of wine reviewing and so now it is time to actually review a wine. I will see you in the next paragraph. 
   Today I will be taking a look at the 2021 Kungfu Girl, Riesling. I paid $11.99 for this wine and the bottle is screw cap sealed. The wine comes in at 12.5% alcohol and its grapes come from Washington State, the Columbia Valley. The wine is a slight blend of 93% Riesling, 4% Pinot Gris, 2% Sauvignon Blanc, 1% Muscat.
   As for the label, I like it and I think it's pretty cool actually. While I am not 100% sure where the label gets its name from, I do believe it is probably because the winemaker says the wine has "... been kicking a-s and taking names ever since" its inception. Whatever the reason, it works. Keeping in mind that his is a Riesling and that I don't take the varietal too seriously especially being from Charles Smith. Overall this label works very nicely and actually has me rather intrigued as to how the wine will taste.
   Bringing the glass to my nose now, I am getting notes of nectarine, yellow peach & green apple. While the bouquet is light, it does for some reason lead me to believe that the wine might be sweet and tropical in its presentation.
   Now that all of that is out of the way, I finally have the chance to taste this wine. The first thing I notice is that there is a zing to my tongue as I put the wine into my mouth. This zing is like a slight carbonation and too be honest as always, the note really throws me off as I do not take kindly to a white wine that throws this experience into the mix when it really has no business being there, if I wanted this experience I would buy a wine cooler. Okay so having said that, the wine is most definitely green apple dominated and seems to make no apologies for this. White Peach is up there as well and is pretty noticeable.
Both of these fruits are very tropical, very juicy and unfortunately, pretty sweet as well. As a matter of fact, the entire wine is seriously overly sweet.Yes, there is a decent amount of dryness to the wine overall which is nice however that darn sweetness overrides in....everything else that the wine is trying to offer up. By the way when it comes to the wine trying to offer things up, there really isn't much, the wine is pretty much one dimensional. Acidity is nice, really nice but unfortunately, it is of no use in positively effecting the wine as it doesn't have enough of an impact to alter its direction. As it does on the nose, apricot shows up here and while I did taste it and enjoy it, once again that darn sweetness just overrides that enjoyment and distracts from it. In the end, yes, there is a vibrancy to the wine  and yes, it is tropical but also, yes, it is sweet, way sweet and because of that, I will meet you in the conclusion paragraph rather early.
   Okay, yeah....I am DONE! I simply can't do this anymore, the wine is bad and not something I can even remotely recommend.  This wine is a sweet, tropical, fruity....mess. I really can't say anymore about it. I did not enjoy this wine as I felt as if I was eating a ton of sugar and if I was into that, I would rather have a piece of chocolate cake. The bottom line is if you want something like this wine, go grab a wine cooler, you'll save money and you'll enjoy it more.  

                                                                                               The Desert Wine Guy   

2022 Bear Bros, Sauvignon Blanc

   The other day I was watching a YouTube video where a wine reviewer was reviewing Aldis Italian wines. In his determination, most of those...