Hello everyone and welcome back to The Desert Wine Guys wine blog. Today I am going to switch it up a little bit and put the wine reviews on hold in order to do an update on IG Winery (
https://desertwineguy.blogspot.com/2016/06/the-desert-wine-guy-day-trip-to-iron.html) previously as well. IG Winery has just recently moved and undergone a whole new look to them and so we are back to checking out what Doug McCombs who is the owner of IG Winery as well as the wine maker, is up to.
So, what did I think of the new location and the wines? Well before we go there I would like to talk about one aspect of wine in the state of Utah that I feel that I need to discuss (or warn you about) before we get into that. Before I get into that warning I need to state right out that the issues I raise are not caused by or endorsed by Doug or the IG Winery, they are however, Utah state Liquor law.
IG Winery is a Winery which is located in Cedar City, Utah and one that I have actually visited a few of times in the past few years and reviewed (

In 2015 the population of people claiming the Mormon religion in Utah was 55%. I say this simply to
say that as a rule the Mormon Church is not in favor of the use of Alcohol and openly works to make consumption of Alcohol very difficult in general. From Beer being sold at only 3.2% to all other liquor having to be purchased from a Utah state liquor store or a package agency, Liquor in general is very controlled. With that being said here is the part of Utah laws pertaining to the use of Alcohol (wine in particular) that will effect our trip to the IG Winery or any other Winery in Utah for that matter. When you visit any winery you would expect to be able to sit
down and enjoy a glass of wine. You would also expect to be able to purchase a bottle of wine that you just had a tasting of and perhaps enjoy it while relaxing
with friends at the Winery. Well unfortunately folks, that would also be illegal in Utah. O.k so perhaps you think your smart (like I did) and you think you found a work around for these archaic laws by attempting to purchase a couple of tastings. Well while that might sound like a
workable solution however aside from also being illegal, it would also be expensive. In the case of IG Winery you will pay $20 for a White or Red Flight and $25 for a "Mix And Match Flight" or how about the "Winemakers Reserve Flight" which will run you $35 . Do you still want to have more than one flight? Look guys, I am not trying to really knock IG Winery here

(although I do think the pricing on the tastings are a little pricey) they are not in favor of the Alcohol law(s) any more than you and I are but they do have to abide by them. Having put all of this out there please also understand that your Alcohol tasting FOR THE DAY, twenty four (24 hours) is limited to a mere five (5) ounces. One other drawback which I found to be pretty significant is that I have two (2) children who are directly involved in the grape growing process here in the Vineyards who are under twenty one (21) and are not even allowed in the Winery. Once again, Utah law. With these issues having now been put out there let's move onto the winery and the wine of IG Winery.

Starting off here I have to say that Doug has done a wonderful job in designing his new Winery. While the outside is rather plain and unimpressive the inside more than makes up for it. Walking in to the Winery it gives off a very open, bright and comfortable feeling. Proper spacing and size of the Tasting counter as well as the "re-purposed" wood that the counter and furniture is made out of really sets the place off. Toward the back of the tasting room is a decent sized semi-private room with a Fireplace and a large re-purposed wood table as well as matching high back wood chairs to to with it with it that are really nice. Walking straight back and up a few stairs leads you to the wine production and holding room where both the wooden barrels and Stainless Steel tanks are located.

There are tours available of this area and if you are lucky (like I was) Doug himself will take you on the tour. Doug is also more than willing to talk to you and answer your questions about the Winery and his wines. Staff at the Winery was extremely friendly and truly appeared as if they wanted to be there pouring wine just for you. When they had some free time they used it answering questions and elaborating on the wines that they were pouring for you as well as conversation in general. Staffing was also in sufficient numbers as well, there was no waiting for your tasting and the employees

seemed as if they truly wanted to be there pouring wine for you. I had a long talk with Doug and he explained all the wines to me including his "Reserve" wines which is a fairly new label that he is producing. It was explained to me that the grapes for his 2014 Napa Cabernet Sauvignon "Reserve" were purchased from a high end grape and wine producer who will remain nameless, in the Napa Valley. I was not able to get a tasting of any of the "Reserve" wines unfortunately so I am unable to judge them. I did however have a Red Flight where I tasted the 2014 (non reserve) Cabernet Sauvignon

which sells for $35 as well as the 2006 Tempranillo ($26) and I thought both were really nice Cellar worthy wines. I purchased two of each which will allow one (1) of each to go in my Cellar since the Tannins in it both I believe will allow for some aging. The Winery had a rather nice crowd of what appeared to be college students show up to enjoy Doug's wine and the place was very lively as the afternoon wore on.

My overall thoughts on the new IG Winery are that I am impressed with what Doug has done and I believe that he will be very successful in his new location. I can see that there was a lot of thought put into the design of the interior and I like the look of the "re-purposed" wood.

I think that if you look at the pictures you will think they are rather nice as well. The labeling of the new bottles I really liked although I did like the old labeling as well. The one thing that I will miss from their old location is the Apple Tree they had out front. Mrs. Desert Wine Girl and the kids would love to sit on the bench under the tree and enjoy the Apple. I won't give any further comment on the Liquor laws of Utah since I think I have said enough. Now, as for the wines I tasted. I thought the wines were really done well and that there is the ability to age them for a few years.which was a plus. I did go with to the winery with a friend and he did a tasting of the 2016 Riesling. His thoughts on the Riesling ($25) was that it was very good and not overly sweet. I did on his recommendation,

buy a bottle and when it is reviewed I taste it I will do a review on it. So that is about it folks. If you are in the area I area I do recommend that you stop by the Winery and have a flight of the "Mix And Match Flight" in order to get a sampling of both styles of wine. While you are there, tell him The Desert Wine Guy said hello.
The Desert Wine Guy