Friday, November 21, 2014

The Desert Wine Guy - Welch's Sparkling Grape Juice And It's Relation To Wine

After reading the final draft of this article I came to the conclusion that I needed to start off with what I guess you could call...a small disclaimer. If it seems like I am advertising for Welch's Corporation, I am not. Growing up in New York my family drank Welch's Grape Juice. To be honest, I never even knew there was another name for a grape juice. Today my kids drink it and they happen to be made in bottles that a have similar appearance to wine bottles. This whole idea started when I was sitting at the dinner table one night and stared at the bottle and started to wonder about the grape juice inside (weird I know). Are there real grapes that are used and are they grown like wine grapes? That is when I decided to learn about it myself and write an article. To make things even better, in this day and age to get anything that is simply and pure and is what it says it is is rare. Welch's claims it is 100% grape juice with no added Sugar, color or flavor. I actually think that they deserve credit for producing a healthy product. To make things even greater the grapes are grown in America. To finish this chapter off let me say that I have no connection, nor do I know anyone who works for or has any connection to Welch's Grape Juice. I am not getting any sort of payment or compensation for writing this article nor does the Welch's corporation even know that I am writing this article. I will be sending them a copy of this article however.  Having said all this it is time to get to the main part of this article.

 While the adults are sitting around this year at the Thanksgiving dinner table drinking some wine or other Alcoholic drink, what are the kids drinking? While some will say water, juice or even soda mine will be drinking what The Desert Wine Guys kids have come to call "kids wine". What exactly is kids wine? Kids wine is actually Welch's Sparkling Grape Juice in what for all intents and purposes is in bottles that are shaped like wine bottles. My children love the feeling of drinking out of a bottle just like me. My children even drink out of real wine glasses and they feel like they are drinking wine like an adult. They do know that their kids wine does not have Alcohol and that's what makes it "kids wine" but they otherwise believe they are drinking wine like The Desert Wine Guy. While they call it "kids wine" it is really only carbonated grape juice and they love it. My children get it poured the same way that wine is supposed to be poured so they learn about wine etiquette and feel like they are a part of the entire Vineyard process. They learn and tell me about the different parts of the wine bottle and glass. They learn the names of these parts as well as how to hold the wine glass and how to place a finger in the "Punt" of the bottle when pouring even though these bottles do not have a "punt". They also know the correct method a waiter should use when pouring wine for customers. In short they learn about wine and the things that go with it. Being that my children drink the stuff and the bottle does say it is 100% real grape juice and being that I write about grapes and what is grape juice but juice from the grapes, the same as wine this is perfect. Well sit back for a few minutes while I tell you all about Welch's Grape Juice.
Young Concord Grape Vine
   Welch's Grape juice comes from the Concord (Niagara for the white juice) grape which was developed in the mid 19th century by Ephraim Wales Bull who lived in Concord, Massachusetts. The story goes that Mr. Bull (Ephraim) was looking for a varietal that was was able to withstand the colder climate of the Northeast. Ephraim used the Vitis Labrusca (Fox) grape which happened to be native to the area. The Concord grape is actually one of the species of the "fox" varietal of grape. Ephraim planted 22,000 seedlings of the Fox grape and after six years he selected a single vine and named it after his home guessed it, Concord. Here are a couple of interesting things about this grape and about the grape juice. This particular grape has what is called a "slip skin" which allows the skin of the grape berries to easily slip off when squeezed, instead of crushing the pulp. The other interesting item is that since it is a real grape and it is a red grape it also contains Polyphenols which, like Red wine grapes also comes from the skin. This is the same Polyhenois that is in real wine that helps our hearts. Welch's Grape juice itself actually started out as Sacramental wine and was first used by Dr. (Dentist) Thomas Branwell Welch who was also a Methodist Minister (as well as a prohibitionist) in Vineland (yes for real) New Jersey. Dr. Welch wanted to come up with a way that grape juice would not become Alcohol so he used pasteurization which killed the yeast. Believe it or not this idea didn't go over to well and some even called it a "heresy". With all the backlash the least for a while. Along comes Dr. Welch's son, Charles who was also a prohibitionist and Doctor (a Dentist as well) who started advertising the grape juice. In 1893 the juice even appeared at the Worlds Fair in Chicago and people were able to drink samples. In 1896 Welch's Fruit Juice Company became so big they had to move and move they did, to New York. The grape juice also was now being accepted in churches all over. The grape juice became so popular that in 1913 the Secretary Of State Jennings Bryan hosted a dinner for the British Ambassador actually served Welch's grape juice instead of wine. That year Alcohol was also banned from Navy ships. Today the company is said to make a half a billion dollars a year and moved to Concord Massachusetts where they grow cuttings from the original Concord vine.  Let me now discuss some more of what I see are the positives of Welch's Grape Juice.
   My younger children are getting older and more and more involved in what their Dad does concerning the garden and Vineyards.  Last year they helped me dig holes for the vines and put in the guide sticks the young vines grew up on to ensure the trunk was straight. They know where the Cabernet Sauvignon Vineyard is and where the Sauvignon Blanc Vineyard is. They know which one makes a red wine and which one makes a white wine. They are now learning about Dormancy since the vines are just now starting to shut down. They will soon learn how to take cuttings of a grapevine and the process involved in that. This coming year they will learn about Lateral growing of the Laterals. They will very soon be learning about Pruning of the vines. The greatest thing is they love the whole aspect of  wine growing. When it comes to the wine making itself, they will eventually be involved with that as well. Being in the garden has helped them stay healthy also. They LOVE Green Peppers and Tomatoes and vegetables in general. Non G.M.O, no pesticides, just fresh food. They get to be outdoors and in the Sun away from the T.V. (Idiot Box). When we are done for the day we head into the pool and cool off and spend time with more Family, Their Mother and older Sister.  Later in the year we get to look at Two beautiful Vineyards and pick Fruits and Vegetables while in the pool. There is no better family time.
Dr. Welch
    I am going to get on my soap box now so please indulge me. I believe that having children accustomed to things removes the mystery or awe about those things and at the same time teaches them respect for those things as well. Teach and show them the good and the bad about these things. By the way the same thing applies to Firearms as well. Teaching them about some of the things that they will be exposed to when they get older and you are not there is  your responsibility as a parent. When they are around Beer or Wine and you are not there it will be no big deal because they are already around it normally anyway. When they get older I see nothing wrong with them having ONE SIP of wine or Beer. Teach them respect for Alcohol in general. Teach them that Alcohol is not something you want them to drink AT ALL when they are out with friends. While you are at it teach them why also. We were all kids at one time and hopefully still know how kids think. You as a parent show them WHY they shouldn't drink at a young age. To be honest I would be perfectly happy if my kids never drank Alcohol. There is really nothing that Alcohol (wine in this case) can give you that eating the actual grapes themselves can't give you, and in larger quantities.
Concord Grapes

                                                                                                                    The Desert Wine Guy

Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Desert Wine Guy - 2011 St. Clement Cabernet Sauvignon


2011 St. Clement Cabernet Sauvignon

    One of my greatest memories pertaining to my first trip to the Napa Valley was visiting the St. Clement ( Winery. I can remember like it was yesterday driving down Highway 29 and seeing the St. Clement Winery on the left hand side and thinking what a cute little cottage on that hill, I have to check it out on my way back. On the way back from bunny hopping the Winery's of interest along Highway 29 and ending up in Calistoga where there was (at the time) a small Coffee shop that roasted it's own beans. I had a nice lunch and a few Iced Lattes and headed the opposite way on 29. I had to keep my promise to myself of course and on the way back I just had to stop there. As everyone else does when visiting the St. Clement Winery, I parked down below the hill and took the long walk up to the Cottage. That walk was more that worth it. What a beautiful little place, the view of the Napa Valley was incredible especially while sipping on a glass of wine on their patio swing that overlooks the entire valley. When I tasted the wine I knew immediately it was one of those "different" wines that stood out from a lot of the other Napa Valley wines I had tasted on my trip but just didn't seem to be something I liked. After all these years that wine and property still stand out in my mind. When I see the wines from St Clement in the stores (which isn't too often) I flashback to the porch swing and the great wine. The Cabernet Sauvignon I bought on that day taught me and showed me the power of how great a Napa Cab can truly be. The "Cottage" as I called it is actually the St. Clement house and was built in 1878. The original owner was a man named Fritz Rosenbaum who manufactured and imported mirrors & glass. The property originally only made Riesling and Zinfandel in a cellar that is located underneath the house. The name St. Clement was given to it in 1976 when a local Ophthalmologist, William Casey bought the house and built a 10,000 case Winery there. The name St. Clement is actually a tribute to Caseys ancestors and what a tribute it is. St. Clement is now owned by Beringer and the property is still beautiful. How did this particular wine compare to the wine I tasted? Well we will see as you read on. The wine in question here is the 2011 St. Clement Cabernet Sauvignon. Anyone familiar with the weather in the Napa Valley in 2011 knows that it was kind of goofy and not the typical weather the Napa Valley is use to. Did the rough weather in 2011 negativity effect the crop and therefore effect the wine? Let's find out. As I have already said, 2011 was actually a rough year weather wise for the Napa Valley as a whole. One of the biggest issues was that it was a cooler year than usual which meant lower grape yield which also meant the need for thinning due to irregular berry development. This also delayed wine development by as much as several weeks. This particular Cabernet was aged in forty two percent new French Oak barrels for nineteen months. There was also two percent Merlot and two percent Petit Verdot added for structure just before the wine was put in the bottle. I love a wine that starts off with deep, rich, powerful aromas. This happens to be one of those wines. Let's see just how the St. Clement winery managed to do with it's Cabernet Sauvignon vines.

St. Clement House Porch Swing
    Before we get into the pour, a word of warning here. To discuss the pour of this wine leaves us with not much to actually discuss. With all the beauty of the St. clement House and the property as a whole it's kind of ironic that such a wonderful place and such (as it turns out) a wonderful wine would have such a simple appearance on the pour. Here is a wine once again where looks are deceiving. This wine does indeed have a very simply, deep Cherry Red pour. That's it, plain and simple. Do yourself a favor and read on please.
   On the nose there was Blackberry with a slight hint of Cocoa. There was a deep clove spice that was almost hidden but still detectable if you took the time and swirled the wine long enough. You could almost sense that this was going to be a special wine. There is a sense of earthiness in the bouquet that has the cocoa almost floating in the air. I thought I also sensed some Cranberry in here also. All in all the bouquet is really nice and promises a wonderful experience.
   Let's now move onto our favorite part, the actual tasting of the wine. To open up this section I want to say that this wine has so many different flavors or notes that I tasted on my Palette.  This to say the least is a complex, full bodied wine indeed. There is a nice rich Blackberry opening when the wine first touches enters your mouth and touches your tongue. This Blackberry is so smooth that it's almost comes across like an appetizer you would have before a great steak, it makes you long for what comes next which is the main course, in this case is the 2011 St. Clement Cabernet Sauvignon. Next up on the Palette is a solid, deep, Plum that offers up memories of going to an Orchard and picking a ripe Plum off of the tree that is at it's peak of perfection. Some wines, even some $40 wines would be content and end here and be happy to have achieved that level of desirability, not this wine however. I guess you could say "well you should expect more from a 40$ wine" and you would be correct however it does not always work that way as I am sure you already know. Let's talk about another note that you will detect early in the development of the wine, that note is that of clove spice. What starts off as a brief low key note now quickly comes to the surface and combined with all the other notes in this wine is awesome. Now a wine that combines all this into one wine is incredible sounding in itself and so far it is rather impressive and I am totally enjoying myself up here in the 80's Loft. I am torn here. On one hand I am wishing I had invited a friend over to share this wine with. On the other hand i'm glad I didn't because then I would have to actually share this treasure so maybe I did the right thing by going it alone. One question I will throw at you is what is a Cabernet Sauvignon without Oak? Well don't fret there Oakey Cabernet fans because there is actually an incredible smoky oak to this wine that is simply wonderful. I wish all the Cabernets I tasted had this level of beautiful oak in them. To top it off there is an unusual note of dried Cranberry here. The dried cranberry blends so well with the clove note and add an almost rustic earthiness to the wine. If you think this wine is done you need to hold on a minute because here comes the taste of a light Cocoa to the mix. Yes, all of these different notes are truly in this wine and each is represented to it's fullest extent. O.K I have to take a break here because I am getting tempted to buy another bottle (or two) which I will and place one in my cellar for the future. What else is this wine missing? Did you say "but Desert Wine Guy are there any Tannins to this wine?" You want Tannins also? Yes, You have Tannins. You actually have nice, smooth, deep Tannins that help glide the wine over your tongue. There is just enough to coat your tongue but not enough to paste onto your tongue which is a taste we have all experienced and some do not like. In short there is just the right amount of Tannins to mesh with the other notes this wine has to offer. Sitting in my reviewers chair (my recliner) I thought about how the flavor of this wine was so easy to drink and that you knew without doubt that in your hands you held a prime example of why Cabernet Sauvignon is indeed the king of red, you know you are holding and drinking a Cabernet Sauvignon at it's finest. The Clove added just that bit of Spice that I like in my Cabernet and I think helps set a cheap Cabernet apart from a good one. In short the wine is the perfect package and shows the full promise of what a great Cabernet Sauvignon should be. As we near the closing of this review I wanted to add something else. While this wine is indeed full bodied at the same time it is not what I would call a heavy Cabernet. While not for the weak of heart or timid, this wine is flavorful and bright and if you are a true Cabernet lover you will truly be in Heaven. As I have just said, although not for the faint of heart, this wine also has the ability to be a favorite for fans who like a deep Merlot as well. Lovers of both varietals of wine are presented the best of both worlds here. Where does the Cocoa fit in you ask? The Cocoa comes out but strangely only at times however each time it does it seems it is a welcome surprise and comes at a time when you seem to have forgotten it is there in the first place. The wine ends in your mouth with the Blackberry/Oak notes and those irresistible Tannins. To try to be a little more specific concerning the line between a Merlot and a Cabernet if I were to draw a graph with 6 being where the Cabernet Sauvignon style comes in, I would rate this wine at the 8 to 8.5 point of that graph. Definitely what is meant by the phrase "full bodied".
   I'm going to be straight forward here. I must confess that I went into this review actually expecting a lot from this wine and it without a doubt delivered. Like I said in the opening of this article I have always had a place in my heart for this particular Vineyard. This is one of those Vineyards/Winery's (along with a few others) that helped plant and cultivate the very early seeds of The Desert Wine Guy, pre Desert Wine Guy. As any good, honest writer or reviewer should do however, I have always been able to avoid letting a bias effect my reviews. I am glad I was able to give this wine such a great review. On the other hand if it was warranted I would have just as easily given it a bad review. Thankfully that was not the case.

    Lets go ahead at this time and wrap this up. For those readers who tend to keep to the more heavier Merlot or like medium bodied Cabernets I say go ahead take the plunge here. Step out there, open your world up and expand your tastes. This is that great wine that may do all that. Let's discuss price now. When I first saw this wine on the shelf I said "$40, do I really want to spend that kind of money on this wine"? Well I decided to go ahead and take the plunge myself, as I suggest you also do. I say YES, you really do need to spend that kind of money. While I was in the store those memories came back of that first trip, that first series of wine tasting experiences and that was all that was needed for me, I bought the wine. You might not have that memory, maybe you have never sat on that porch swing, maybe you have never taken the walk up the hill to the St. Clement house. None of this matters, my recommendation is for you to buy the wine, enjoy the wine and go a few days without Starbucks to make up for the extra money you spent :) If you are searching for a wine to impress your guests for the holidays than look no further. If you are looking to impress yourself then also....look no further. This is the benchmark for Cabernet Sauvignon. This is what I am using to compare all other Cabernet's to. Buy a couple of bottles and put one away, the other open at Thanksgiving or some other special holiday. I would say this wine could last another 5-7 years if kept at the proper temperature.

   On The Desert Wine Guy rating scale I am giving it 94 points.

                                                                                                                   The Desert Wine Guy

2022 Bear Bros, Sauvignon Blanc

   The other day I was watching a YouTube video where a wine reviewer was reviewing Aldis Italian wines. In his determination, most of those...